Isla Cerralvo Dive Sites
You can find a little information about the places available for diving.

La Reina
A rock islet just North of Isla Cerralvo with a lighthouse. This site is among the most beautiful in the area. In depths of 80ft (25 meters) a large reef is found , populated by Gorgonias of all types, Brain Corals, large schools of brightly colored tropical fish. Pelagic species such as Tuna, Wahoo, Dorado, Hammerhead Sharks and Yellowtail are also known to ocasionally make an appearance.

La Reynita
This small rock pinnacle located on the Westside of Isla Cerralvo has a constant current in which schools of fish including: Large Groupers, Sea Fans, Brain Corals, and Conger Garden Eels. Additionally, the area is occasionally visited by the Giant Pacific Mantas with wingspans over 12-feet long which can normally only be seen at Socorro Island far south of Cabo San Lucas.

La Punta Norte
This is the northern point of Cerralvo Island and a beautiful dive. With a maximum depth of 60ft (18 meters) we find a maze-like reef teeming with life. Among the Coral Heads play Sea Turtles, Mexican Barracuda, Morray Eels and Shoals of Sergeant Majors.

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